Jensen & Dalgaard in Denmark have acquired the rights of Marisha Rasi-Koskinen’s novel REC, awarded a week ago on Friday with Runeberg Prize.

REC, praised by readers and critics alike, is an atmospheric, post-modern dive into the fragmented reality we are living today. When teenager Lucas meets a peculiar boy named Cole, it is a start of a decades-long on-and-off friendship. In the story, real and fictional characters are present simultaneously, images and stories begin many times and in many places, and dark, possessive and manipulating side of people take over with irrevocable outcome – unless… nothing is true.
Jensen & Dalgaard is a Danish publisher with a strong list of quality fiction. From Finland, they are the publisher of Selja Ahava, Anu Kaaja, Juhani Karila, Leena Krohn, and several others.
Marisha Rasi-Koskinen has written six works of fiction. She has been awarded with the Finlandia Junior Prize, and for REC with the Torch-Bearer Prize and the Runeberg Prize.