Since June 2021, Helsinki Literary Agency is proud to represent the rights of Eppu Nuotio’s adult fiction.
Eppu Nuotio is one of the most successful Finnish authors mixing feel good and crime in her novels, latest in her bestselling 3-book cozy mystery series Ellen Lähde Investigates and before that in her 6-book series starred by young journalist Pii Marin.
Those Deadly Bells, Tongues Like Knives and The Showy Strangler form the Ellen Lähde Investigates series.
As perfect summer reading, we are happy to highlight the Ellen Lähde Investigates books.
In the series of three stand-alone novels Those Deadly Bells (2017), Tongues Like Knives (2019) and The Showy Strangler (2020) the modern day Miss Marple, Ellen Lähde enjoys her early retirement, friends, new love and gardening – and with an insatiable curiosity, pokes her nose into everything. Bestsellers in Finland, the novels have charmed the readers with their fresh and joyful approach to even the most mundane things there are in our daily lives.
In addition to feel good, romance and crime Nuotio (b. 1962) has written novels for children. She has also become known as a playwright, with great success also in Germany, where she lived for several years before moving back to Finland.
Children’s novel Night Express, written by Karin Erlandsson and illustrated by Peter Bergting continues its journey around the world: foreign rights have been sold in auction to one of the leading publishers in Russia, Mann, Ivanov, Ferber (MIF). This is the 7th foreign rights sale for the title.
Night Express (2020)
MIF is a dedicated publisher with the mission to change people’s lives and thus, the world with books. The house publishes ca. 350 titles a year, including adult fiction and nonfiction and a large scope of children’s books.
Night Express is a story brimming with a Christmas spirit about a little girl called Dania, whose increasingly absent-minded Granny mysteriously disappears one evening. The same night Dania hears something and sneaks out to see it with her own eyes: an express train is pulling up at the station. Upon her embarking, a magical adventure begins, as everyone on the train is looking for someone they have loved and lost.
The warm and enchanting story has been praised by the readers, and Peter Bergting’s fantastic illustrations make the adventure even more exciting!
We are thrilled to announce that the Danish rights for the beloved crime series by Eva Frantz featuring police detective Anna Glad have been sold to the country’s major publishing house Gyldendal. The publisher acquired all three books in the series: The Blue Villa(2017); the Crime Novel of the Year winner The Eighth Maiden (2018); and the most recent one, Out of the Game (2020).
Gyldendal’s senior editor Niels Beider stated they are very excited about the opportunity to introduce Eva Frantz to the Danish readers. According to him, the combination of “pure crime, a series of recurring characters, as well as current socially relevant topics” is precisely what makes the books so enjoyable to read.
Founded in 1770, Gyldendal is the oldest publishing company in Denmark, with the history of publishing some of the most important voices of our time and consistently raising the bar for the publishing industry.
The Anna Glad series has been previously sold to Estonia (Rahva raamat) and Sweden (Sekwa), and has done incredibly well on the home front: with praising reviews and over 55,000 copies sold in Finland, Glad remains one of the favourite police investigators among the readers.
Frantz recently discussed the character and creating suspenseful plots on Literature from Finland podcast fabulous episode ATMOSPHERES, which can be found on any of the usual platforms.
Foreign rights are still available in many other territories, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us ( for the English materials: we have a great package for all three books.
Most exciting news has reached us from France: French rights of the prestigious Runeberg Prize winner, Marisha Rasi-Koskinen‘s masterpiece REC, have been sold to Payot & Rivages. This is the second foreign rights sale for this novel: Danish rights were acquired by Jensen & Dalgaard earlier this year.
REC (2020)
Myriam Anderson, the editor at the French publishing house, has stated they are confident that REC “is a piece of literature like no other” and that, despite the challenge posed by the scope of the novel, they “won’t be coming across such a sophisticated and ambitious, yet readable and thrilling book anytime soon again”. The French deal was made with the help of our wonderful partner Anna Linblom at the Nordik Literary Agency.
Éditions Payot & Rivages stands out among the French publishers with an exquisite list of both contemporary and classical authors from France and abroad. It is the publisher of Bernard Quiriny, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Stefan Zweig, Virginia Woolf, Charles M. Schulz, to mention a few. Payot & Rivages also published Antti Rönkä’s debut novel Off the Ground which garnered splendid reviews in the French media.
Marisha Rasi-Koskinen (Photo: Miikka Pirinen)
REC is an atmospheric, post-modern dive into the fragmented reality we are living today. When teenager Lucas meets a peculiar boy named Cole, it is a start of a decades-long on-and-off friendship, where real and fictional characters are present simultaneously, where images and stories begin many times, in various places, and where dark, possessive and manipulating side of humans take over with irrevocable outcomes – unless… nothing is true. As the author herself describes the book, “it is a love letter to fiction”, where the reality is not unambiguous and the understanding of it is rather formed in people’s minds, stories and images.
“REC masterfully plays with various levels of time and place, the storytelling, as well as concepts of photography and filming. The book is extraordinary in its abundance of internal stories that form the whole. The centre of it is a friendship that starts at a young age and involves many mysteries, addictions and traumas.“
Rasi-Koskinen is scheduled to appear on our Literature from Finland podcastin autumn; in the meantime, we encourage you to have a look at the short interview with the author, which will give you an even better understanding why this novel is not like anything you have read before.
Splendid books never fail to draw immediate attention from foreign publishers. The beautiful nonfiction for children, Secret Gardeners, written by Lina Laurent and illustrated by Maija Hurme, was published in Finland only some weeks ago, and we already made some fantastic foreign rights deals.
Secret Gardeners (2021)
World English rights were acquired by Pajama Press, a well-known and established publisher based in Toronto, Canada. Their books are largely distributed in the entire continent of North America, as well as other English language markets. Pajama Press is a dedicated publisher of children’s and YA books, and extremely successful in the school and public library markets. The publisher’s titles regularly win awards, and it has a growing track record of titles shortlisted to regional reader’s choice awards.
In Estonia, the title will be published by the wonderful Ühinenud ajakirjad, that continues to introduce quality Finnish literature to Estonian readers. The publisher has previously acquired both Finlandia Prize winners of 2020, Anni Kytömäki’snovel Margarita and Anja Portin’s children’s novel Radio Popov.
Last but not least, Czech rights were acquired by Host, one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the country. Host is especially proud of its lists of contemporary Czech fiction, as well as translated literary fiction and crime. The publisher has introduced Czech readers to such international grands as Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell,Jeffrey Eugenides, Olga Tokarczuk, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and others. Its strong children’s list includes such beloved authors as Timo Parvela, Maija Lunde and J. D. Rinehart. Host has also recently acquired the rights of children’s novel The Night Express by Karin Erlandsson & Peter Bergting.
Congratulations to the authors, we are sure many more deals will follow soon!