The summer might have begun for some, but we at HLA are busy, busy, busy selling rights! We are thrilled to announce that we now have an offer from DENMARK for the beloved crime series by Eva Frantz featuring police detective Anna Glad. This lovely – and somewhat unlikely – detective has featured three books: The Blue Villa (2017); the Crime Novel of the Year winner The Eighth Maiden (2018); and the most recent one, Out of the Game (2020).

The series has been previously sold to Estonia (Rahva raamat) and Sweden (Sekwa), and has done incredibly well on the home front: with praising reviews and over 55,000 copies sold in Finland, Glad remains one of the favourite police investigators among the readers.
Frantz recently discussed the character and creating suspenseful plots on Literature from Finland podcast fabulous episode ATMOSPHERES, which can be found on any of the usual platforms.
The Danish publisher will be announced next week; in the meantime, the rights are still available in many other territories, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us ( for the English materials: we have a great package for all three books.
Quite a few other explosive deals are now under negotiations, so keep following us for more information!