Splendid books never fail to draw immediate attention from foreign publishers. The beautiful nonfiction for children, Secret Gardeners, written by Lina Laurent and illustrated by Maija Hurme, was published in Finland only some weeks ago, and we already made some fantastic foreign rights deals.

World English rights were acquired by Pajama Press, a well-known and established publisher based in Toronto, Canada. Their books are largely distributed in the entire continent of North America, as well as other English language markets. Pajama Press is a dedicated publisher of children’s and YA books, and extremely successful in the school and public library markets. The publisher’s titles regularly win awards, and it has a growing track record of titles shortlisted to regional reader’s choice awards.
In Estonia, the title will be published by the wonderful Ühinenud ajakirjad, that continues to introduce quality Finnish literature to Estonian readers. The publisher has previously acquired both Finlandia Prize winners of 2020, Anni Kytömäki’s novel Margarita and Anja Portin’s children’s novel Radio Popov.
Last but not least, Czech rights were acquired by Host, one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the country. Host is especially proud of its lists of contemporary Czech fiction, as well as translated literary fiction and crime. The publisher has introduced Czech readers to such international grands as Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell, Jeffrey Eugenides, Olga Tokarczuk, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and others. Its strong children’s list includes such beloved authors as Timo Parvela, Maija Lunde and J. D. Rinehart. Host has also recently acquired the rights of children’s novel The Night Express by Karin Erlandsson & Peter Bergting.
Congratulations to the authors, we are sure many more deals will follow soon!