The second pre-empt at the Frankfurt book fair for the “world-class debut” by Iida Turpeinen comes from Seix Barral, the literary imprint of the biggest publisher in the Spanish-speaking market, Grupo Planeta.
Seix Barral’s pre-empt is the seventh for Beasts of the Sea, which is the biggest literary break-through for a Finnish debut ever. Just two days ago, at the beginning at the Frankfurt book fair, the novel was pre-empted in the Netherlands by Singel Publishers.

The hot title of the fair, there are offers on table for the world English (deadline for offers noon Finnish time on 25th October) and Greek rights, handled by Avgi Daferera from Ersilia Literary Agency. For the world French, there are several offers on the table of Anna Lindblom from Nordik Agency.
The publishers to date are
German, S. Fischer (pre-empted)
Italy, Neri Pozza (pre-empted)
Dutch, Singel (pre-empted)
Sweden, Alfred Bonniers (pre-empted)
Denmark, People’s (pre-empted)
Norway, Gyldendal (pre-empted)
Hungary, Polar
Estonia, Tänapäev.
The world Spanish deal has been negotiated by our splendid co-agents at Casanovas & Lynch Literary Agency.
You’ll find the news of each deal and praise by the acquiring editors from the links above.