Endless Winter receives honourable mention for Punni Award

Endless Winter by Miila Westin has been awarded an honourable mention for the Punni literature prize, a yearly award for debuts and breakthroughs in Finnish children’s literature. The title is the first instalment of the Mythicals series, and book two, A Dangerous Dream, will be out soon.

Endless Winter by Miila Westin has received an honourable mention for this year’s Punni literature prize. Miila Westin’s author debut was already nominated for both the Finlandia Comics Award and the Most Beautiful Book of the Year Award.

Endless Winter (Loputon Talvi, 2023)

The Punni Literature Prize is awarded to a Finnish author of children’s or young people’s literature for a first work or a bold breakthrough. The name comes from author Kirsi Kunnas’ character Punni the rabbit, who is different from the others. The story highlights the importance of accepting differences.

The jury have motivated their choice as follows:

“This fully Finnish graphic novel for school children is a rare delight. Miila Westin has created an enchanting setting and a story with the atmosphere of a video game where little Eevi meets natural spirits known from Baltic Finnish myths. In their company the girl tries to find out why the arrival of summer had been delayed. Through the smooth-running and thrilling plot we deal with climate change, mankind’s relationship with nature and the grief of a child who has just lost her grandfather. Could Eevi still bring her grandpa back from the Underworld?

At the end of the book there is a separate information sheet about the Balto-Finnish myths. Endless Winter is her first children’s book. The graphic novel of slightly over a hundred pages, with its memorable characters and large storyline, must have been a major undertaking for Westin. The adventure continues this spring with part two, A Dangerous Dream.”

Endless Winter is the first volume in the Mythicals series by Miila Westin, where Baltic-Finnish myths meet contemporary life and climate change. Endless Winter received plenty of attention at the Bologna fair, and there currently are two foreign offers on the table. In Finland, the book is published by Kustantamo S&S.

Congratulations to the author!