The Mythicals series by Miila Westin, which began with Endless Winter and is now continuing with A Dangerous Dream, is travelling to Denmark, where it will be published by Straarup.

Miila Westin’s stunning The Mythicals series is on a roll: Endless Winter and A Dangerous Dream have been acquired by Straarup in a two-book deal, thus securing the Danish rights to the series.
The Mythicals is a middle-grade graphic novel series that draws inspiration from Balto-Finnish mythology. In Endless Winter (Mythicals #1) we follow Eevi, a girl who has just lost her grandpa and is worried as it’s June but winter shows no signs of ending. A mysterious necklace shows her that there’s more to the world than what meets the (human) eye: a group of crop elves and a gnome, Otso, become her unlikely fellows in a journey to the Underworld. It’s the only chance to put an end to winter and save the arrival of spring, but is it also Eevi’s chance to bring Grandpa back?
In A Dangerous Dream (Mythicals #2) Otso shows up again in Eevi’s life, asking for her help to save his sister, who is severely ill. Only Eevi’s mysterious necklace can save her, and she agrees to help her friend. But why does she keep having scary dreams about the sun going dark? As Eevi soon learns, dreams are rarely just dreams, and they can be very dangerous.
Miila Westin is an established, award-winning illustrator and Endless Winter marked her debut as author. For it, she received an honourable mention for the Punni award and the Most Beautiful Book of the Year Award.
Straarup & co is a Århus-based publisher who has become the Danish home of many well-loved and successful Finnish titles and authors. Among them are Karin Erlandsson‘s titles, including the latest Juno Lights The Moon, Anja Portin‘s Radio Popov and The Book of Misty Trees, and Saara Kekäläinen & Netta Lehtola’s The Princess Who Did A Runner.
This is the third foreign deal for Endless Winter, whose World Spanish rights are with Galimatazo, and the Czech rights with Host.
Congratulations to the author and the publishers!