More foreign rights sales for A Dog Called Cat, Million Billion Santa Clauses and The Night Express

Children’s titles from Finland continue to conquer the world, and we are so happy to be a part of it!

The Dog Called Cat (2015)

Hungarian rights for the beautiful and philosophical A Dog Called Cat (2015) written by Tomi Kontio and illustrated by Elina Warsta was sold to Koinonia. A Dog Called Cat is the first part in a stand-alone picture book (age group: 4–7 year-old) series about a dog called Cat and a man called Weasel, whose warm friendship makes every day in their lives full of wonder; this is the 6th foreign rights deal for the title. The second book, A Dog Called Cat Meets a Cat (2019) was nominated for the most prestigious literary award in Finland, Finlandia Prize, and voted as the readers’ favourite among the nominees. The third, long-awaited part A Dog Called Cat Looking for Home came out in 2020 to the delight of the fans.

Million Billion Santa Clauses (2014)

Meanwhile, another picture book, A Million Billion Santa Clauses (2014) by Hiroko Motai and Marika Majala just had its 17th (!) foreign rights sale, as Estonian rights were acquired by Tänapäev. The book doesn’t cease to draw the attention of foreign publishers, and why would it: Motai’s moving and inventive story and Maijala’s adorable crayon illustrations makes the book a perfect bedtime story for children and adults to share. Strong interest in the World English rights suggests more deals might be announced soon!

Night Express (2020)

The popularity of children’s novels is also showing no signs of slowing down: The Night Express by Karin Erlandsson and Peter Bergting has now been sold to Ikar in Slovakia, making it the 5th foreign rights deal for the title. Anja Portin’s Finlandia Prize-winning novel for the middle grade readers Radio Popov, on its part, has been sold to 10 territories, and a Polish offer is now on the table.

Go visit our Catalogues page to learn more about these and so many other fantastic children’s titles!

Rights for detective Anna Glad series sold in auction to Estonia, over 55,000 copies sold in Finland

Detective Anna Glad, the main protagonist of the beloved crime series by Eva Frantz, will soon also charm the Estonian readers, as the books were sold to Rahva Raamat after a rather intense auction! The publisher acquired the rights to publish the first novel in the series, The Blue Villa (2017), and optioned both other novels: the Crime Novel of the Year winner in 2019 The Eighth Maiden (2018) and the most recent one, Out of the Game (2020).

Rahva Raamat is one of the most established publishing houses in the country, with a mission to expand readers’ worldview with their rich and diverse list. Notable names vary from such bestselling crime authors as Stieg Larsson, Cara Hunter and Lucy Foley to contemporary literary classics as Margaret Atwood, Delia Owens, Neil Gaiman and others.

Eva Frantz, photo: Marica Rosengård

The first Anna Glad book has been previously acquired by Sekwa in Sweden, and the series has done incredibly well on the home front: with praising reviews and over 55,000 copies sold in Finland, Glad remains one of the favourite police investigators among the readers.

Frantz recently discussed the character and creating suspenseful plots on Literature from Finland podcast fabulous episode ATMOSPHERES. Tune it in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any other of the usual platforms, and learn why the character – and the author! – are so loveable. Strong interest in Germany and Central Europe lets us believe there will be more deals very soon!

Congratulations to the author and those lucky Estonian readers!

Gorilla by Miikka Pörsti and Anne Vasko receives an honorary mention in the Punni Award competition

We are thrilled to share the news that Gorilla, a new picture book written by Miikka Pörsti and illustrated by Anne Vasko received an honorary mention in the Punni Award competition. The prize is established by the Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature and given each year for “brave openings” in children’s or YA literature.

The award was named after the novel Punni (1957) by one of the most celebrated children’s authors in Finland Kirsi Kunnas – a humorous and wise story about accepting one’s differences. Previous winners of the award include, for example, What Is Punk? (Mitä on punk?, 2018) by Timo Kalevi Forss ja Aiju Salminen and A Homosexual Boy’s Guide to Life (Homopojan opas, 2019) by Eino Nurmisto.

Gorilla (2020)

Gorilla introduces us to a boy called Eino who has a special quirk: he easily falls apart. Literally. Whenever he is saddened or overjoyed, Eino cracks, and it is up to his parents to “collect” him back to one piece.

Gorilla, who goes to the same playgroup, beats his chest and frightens Eino whenever he gets a chance – and then Eino shatters to pieces even more easily. But one day something happens that makes Gorilla himself break completely, and after that everything changes.

An original, funny and moving picture book teaches the young readers about feelings and how to deal with them, and stresses the importance of friendship.

Congratulations to the authors of all the books in the competition!

Catalan and Spanish rights sold for The Death of Romance

Niina Mero’s successful debut The Death of Romance has now been sold to Calanish, who will publish the book in both Spanish and Catalan.

The Death of Romance (2019)

Calanish is a brand new imprint focusing on romance fiction from Obrador, an independent publisher based in Barcelona. The publisher, as it is stated on their website, desires to “awaken emotions and push them to the limit”, and is committed to doing it with “quality literature and captivating books”. No better home indeed for Mero’s book!

The Death of Romance has been praised, among other things, as “romantic entertainment to those who dread romantic entertainment”; published in 2019, it soon turned out to be the readers’ favourite. With close to 15,000 sold copies and glowing reviews, a new star had risen to the Finnish sky of commercial women’s fiction.

In the novel, Nora, the tattooed and very Finnish version of Bridget Jones, travels to Oxford to be soon swiped off her feet by the gothic atmosphere of Jane Eyre, the upper-class romance of Downton Abbey and the plotting and scheming known from British crime series. With no illusions about love but with masses of insight into English poetry, Nora soon stumbles on family secrets – and to her surprise also on English gentlemen who seem very able to distract her inquisitive mind.

The novel has been previously sold to Sekwa in Sweden, and strong interest from Germany and Central Europe assures us that more offers are coming soon.

Congratulations to the author!

2 more foreign rights deals for The Woman Who Loved Insects

We are so excited to share the news of two more foreign rights deals for Selja Ahava’s beautiful fourth novel The Woman Who Loved Insects: Colibri in Bulgaria and Relacja in Poland have just acquired the rights for the title.

Both houses have previously published Ahava’s EU Prize for Literature winner Things that Fall from the Sky (2015), sold to 25 foreign territories and also nominated for the Warwick Prize and shortlisted for the Dublin Literary Award. Colibri also published Ahava’s third novel Before My Husband Disappears (2017).

The Woman Who Loved Insects (2020)

This is the 4th foreign rights deal for The Woman Who Loved Insects and it has also been optioned in France. The novel is a gentle, enchanting story of a woman fascinated by an unusual hobby: insects. Limited by narrow roles imposed on her by the time and society she lives in, the main protagonist starts looking for ways of finding her voice and authorship – eventually travelling through time and facing the big questions of existence and the origin of life.

As the major Finnish newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat put it: “The Woman Who Loved Insects is like a Japanese woodcut – gentle, exotic and slowly unfolding. It is enigmatic, and as such very, very fascinating.

Congratulations to the author and her international readers!