Tomi Kontio & Elina Warsta: A Dog Called Cat and the Wonder of Christmas

The fourth warm-hearted story about a dog called Cat will bring the Christmas spirit to every home.

Author: Tomi Kontio
Illustrator: Elina Warsta
Finnish original: Koira nimeltään Kissa ja joulun ihme
Publisher: Teos, 2021
Genre: illustrated children’s fiction
Number of pages: 40 pp.
Reading material: Finnish original, English translation

Rights sold: Bulgarian, Raketa; Hungarian, Koinonia; Romanian, Pandora | Trei Editorial Group

A dog called Cat, a cat called Dog and a man called Weasel are the best of friends and have made their home in an abandoned container.

On Christmas Eve, in the centre of town, they wonder why everything is so quiet. People have gone home to be with their nearest and dearest.

As they make their way home they are curious to see how other people celebrate Christmas. A girl notices them and mistakes Weasel for Father Christmas. “Well, let’s say I’m a kind of poor man’s Father Christmas,” Weasel chuckles. He doesn’t even have a reindeer, after all.

But, unexpectedly, the meeting delivers the wonder of Christmas. It brings a taste of what is most important about the season, and it’s even better than smoked herrings.

“Do you know, Christmas is celebrated because of a child who was born in a stable, far from his home?’ Weasel says.
‘That’s why, at Christmas, we should always remember everyone who doesn’t have a home.”
“And lonely people,” I say.
“At Christmas the lonely are twice as lonely,” Weasel says.
“We’re lucky because we have each other,” Dog says.

Also available:
A Dog Called Cat and the Last Arctic Fox (2024)
A Dog Called Cat Looking for Home (2020)
A Dog Called Cat Meets a Cat (2019)
A Dog Called Cat (2015)

My Dad Is a Hipster (2022)
Wings to the Other Side of the World (2000)

About the authors:
Tomi Kontio
Elina Warsta