With this colourfully illustrated early readers’ series, children get to improve their reading skills with fun stories.
Author: Malin Klingenberg & Margareta Sandin (illustrations)
Swedish original: Börja läsa
Publisher: Schildts & Söderströms
Genre: illustrated children’s fiction
Number of pages: 28-36 pp.
Reading material: Swedish original, English translation
I’m a Reader series consists of so far nine books for new readers. Level 1 books include only a small amount of text in capital letters; with these books, the children will get confidence in their reading skills as the book advances easily. On level 2, the text is in lowercase letters, but the amount of text is still small. On level 3, the stories are longer and include chapters. The stories in the books deal with ordinary issues the children encounter in their daily lives: spending time with family and friends, going to school and playing with friends. At the same time, they are discussing values and teaching skills: good sportmanship, the importance of apologizing, appreciating others, and making a difference.
About the author:
Malin Klingenberg