How wonderful to see that some of our older titles never stop conquering the world. It’s a joy to announce that Juhani Karila’s 2019 sensation Fishing for the Little Pike has now been sold to Fazi Editore in Italy! This is the 13th foreign territory for the title.

Fazi Editore is a literary house founded in 1994, that publishes some of the most distinguished literary names from Italy and abroad, including Thomas De Quincey, John Fante, Hillary Mantel, Tove Ditlevsen, among others.
Fishing for the Little Pike has been recently published in French, in translation by Claire Saint-Germain, and was met with raging reviews, comparing the novel to Shakespeare, Arto Paasilinna, Rabelais and Cervantes. The novel was nominated for Prix Micheline, a booksellers’ prize for the best literary debut.
The previous foreign rights deals include:
World Arabic, Al Arabi
World English, Pushkin Press (UK & The Commonwealth) and Restless Books (USA & Canada)
Denmark, Jensen & Dalgaard
Dutch, Koppernik
Estonia, Hea Lugu
World French, La Peuplade
Germany, Homunculus
Hebrew, Locus
Hungary, Metropolis Media
Poland, Marpress
Russia, Livebooks
Turkey, İthaki
Congratulations to the author! Don’t forget to tune in Literature from Finland podcast episode MYTH, where Karila discussed myths from and about Finland.