Radio Popov sold to Germany

The Dutch edition of Radio Popov published by Ploegsma

Fantastic news has reached us from Germany: Anja Portin’s 2020 Finlandia Junior winner Radio Popov has been acquired by arsEdition, meaning that the magical children’s novel has now travelled 21 territories!

The editor, Katharina Braun, who has been considering the title for some time now, stated about Radio Popov:

“I couldn’t forget this title (…). I had a feeling there was something very special about this book. The pages I read months ago still stuck vividly in my head which is exceptional – I read so many books for work (…) [Radio Popov] has so much warmth, as well as the power to give hope and a feeling of self-empowerment in these strange times.”

Latvian edition of Radio Popov published by Janis Roze

Ars Edition is a well-established children’s publisher with books for all ages on its list. Originally founded in 1896, the company has been a part of the Sweden’s Bonnier Group since 2000.

This is the 21st foreign rights sale for Radio Popov, but rights are still available in Sweden, the English world and many other territories.

Congratulations to the author!

The Rat Saint wins Blogistania Finlandia Prize

Each year, Finnish bloggers, bookstagrammers and booktubers organize their own voting and choose the best book of the year. The clear favourite of 2021 was Anneli Kanto’s historical sensation The Rat Saint.

The Rat Saint (2021)

The participants can only vote for the books that they have written about in their blogs or Instagram posts, or discussed on their Youtube channels, and each can give points (3, 2 and 1) to three books respectively.

The participants have shared their impressions:

An extraordinary historical novel and an intriguing topic! The themes are abundant, but the readers can trust they’ll be immersed by Kanto’s flowing language and this wonderful story.– Kirja vieköön book blog

The Rat Saint is a Künstlerroman about a woman who chooses to model her self-portrait on Kakukylla, the saint who protects against rats and mice. Overlapping layers of rural life, artisanship, folklore, and Bible stories form a deep, vivid frame for the robust plot and delicate internal mood. A historical sensation of 2021, the novel sold close to 20,000 copies in Finland. It was nominated for the prestigious Runeberg Prize.

Another title represented by HLA, Pirkko Saisio’s new novel Passion, came third in the Blogistania Finlandia competition.

Congratulations to the author!

Karin Erlandsson nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2022

Delightful news from the North: it has just been announced that author Karin Erlandsson is now nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize, for her novel Home (2021).

Home (2021)

The jury stated about the book:

“In Hem, she broadens the register impressively. It can be described as a collective novel, but by the same token it can be seen as a series of short stories that share the same basic theme. Åland’s six-thousand-year history, from the Stone Age to the present day, is concentrated here and shown through a consistent women’s perspective. (…)

The novel uses its linguistically masterful style to pay tribute to an insular world, to a pattern of life close to nature where women bear the ultimate responsibility for the workings of day-to-day life.”

Full statement can be found here.

The media has stated about the novel:

Home is a powerful and moving collection of texts that cover the complete register of emotions. Karin Erlandsson has the gift of capturing an entire world in a single detail, to condense heart-bursting longing and restlessness into a single turned back or scoured floor.”
– National broadcasting company Svenska Yle

“[…] it’s a pleasure to let oneself be swept away by Erlandsson’s sure hand and her way of forming historical events from the perspective of the individual. She often hits the nail on the head when she describes how things feel, especially when they don’t feel good.”
– Hufvudstadsbladet newspaper

Photo by Marcus Boman

This is the 5th time Erlandsson has been nominated for the prize; she was previously nominated for The Mink Farm (2014); Pearl Fisher (2017, children’s and YA category); Victor (2019, children’s and YA category); and The Night Express (2020, children’s and YA category). The winners will be announced on the 1st of November.

Congratulations to the author!

Ellen Lähde series sold to 3 Nordic territories

It seems that the time of the violent Nordic Noir has past and the northerners are now themselves eager to find something cosier. We are overjoyed to announce that the audiobook giant Storytel has acquired the rights to all three books in Ellen Lähde Investigates series (2017–2020) by Eppu Nuotio, to be released in Sweden, Denmark and Iceland!

Ellen Lähde Investigates

Founded in 2006, the Stockholm-based Storytel offers digital streaming services for audiobooks, and in some cases print and e-books, in 16 countries. In the recent years, it has also increased its unique content, i. e. stories written exclusively for Storytel.

Ellen Lähde Investigates is a three-book series, consisting of novels Those Deadly Bells (2017); Tongues Like Knives (2019); and The Showy Strangler (2020). Stand-alone cozy mysteries, the books are a blithe and entertaining read.

The top author of the genre in Finland presents in the books the modern day Miss Marple, Ellen Lähde. Widowed not too long  ago, she has decided to make the best of her retirement days gardening, traveling, helping her dearest and  nearest – and poking her nose into all that seems a bit out of place

Best-sellers in Finland, the novels have charmed the readers with the mix of gentle suspense, romance, and fresh and joyful approach to even the most mundane things there are in our daily lives.

The series has previously been sold to Latvia (Petergailis).

Congratulations to the author!

World French rights of To My Brother sold

Some wonderful news for some of our best titles: World French rights of E. L. Karhu’s lauded debut To My Brother have been sold to La Peuplade.

An independent publishing house based in Québec, La Peuplade is especially focused on novels with masterful writing and exquisite language. Of HLA’s titles, La Peuplade has previously published, to great success, Juhani Karila’s novel Fishing for the Little Pike.

To My Brother (2021)

To My Brother is an absurd, dark-humoured bildungsroman which germinates from internalized self-hatred and prompts thoughts about lust, sexual capital and hierarchies, as well as ways disgust is used as a means of control, especially against women. As Turun Sanomat newspaper has stated:

“To My Brother is an exaggerating, extraordinary novel about self-hatred, body positivity and people’s inability to see beyond the surface.

The narrator herself is not well either, yet it feels so refreshing for once to read about a character who doesn’t belong to the winning team and whose values don’t just blindly follow today’s norms that emphasize the importance of being pretty or sporty.

The absurd humor, as well as tragedy, is created by unusual solutions and situations in which the narrator ends up semi-accidentally. (…)

The acceptance of self is not the easiest of sorts; at least the ready-made images of femininity that the world is offering us right now have proved to be impossible alternatives.”

The novel was nominated for the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize, given to the best debut of the year. E.L. Karhu’s play with the same title, To My Brother, will premiere in April in Schauspiel Leipzig in Germany.

Congratulations to the author!