Detective Anna Glad series sold to Germany

The wonderful, very relatable and very funny police inspector Anna Glad, created by Eva Frantz, continues its world conquering: a major publisher Aufbau has acquired the German rights and will start publishing the series with the Crime Novel of the Year winner The Eighth Maiden (2018) and the most recent one, Out of the Game (2020).

Eva Frantz (photo by Marica Rosengård)

The acquiring editor Christina Weiser has praised the tone of the text, its “sometimes refreshingly self-mocking” characters and of course, the lovely Nordic setting. The editor is also thrilled that the novels are not excessively violent, which seems to be a rare exception in today’s crime literature market. Aufbau is planning to start publishing the series in the early 2023.

Aufbau was founded in 1945, and today is one of the most renowned German publishers with an extensive list of both German and international authors of fiction and nonfiction. It is a publisher of Tove Ditlevsen, Oyinkan Braithwaite, Stephen Fry, among others.

The Anna Glad series has been previously sold to Denmark (Gyldendal), Estonia (Rahva raamat) and Sweden (Sekwa), and has done incredibly well on the home front: with praising reviews and over 55,000 copies sold in Finland, Glad remains one of the favourite police investigators among the readers.

Frantz discussed the character and creating suspenseful plots on the cheerful Literature from Finland podcast episode ATMOSPHERES, which can be found on any of the usual platforms.

Foreign rights are still available in many other territories, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us ( for the English materials: we have a great package for all three books.

A Dog Called Cat series to be published in Sweden

We are happy to announce one of the loveliest foreign rights deals this summer: the picture book series about the adventures of a dog called Cat and her friends, written by Tomi Kontio and illustrated by Elina Warsta, will now reach the Swedish readers, as Swedish rights have been sold to Epix.

Epix is the oldest and largest publisher in Sweden of adult series and albums, which also has an exquisite list of picture books for children. They have previously published such authors as Tove Jansson, Isabelle Kreitz, Neil Gaiman, Marguerite Abouet, Joann Sfar, Luke Pearson, Pierre Bailly.

The publisher acquired the rights for the first two books in the stand-alone series, A Dog Called Cat (2015) and A Dog Called Cat Meets a Cat (2019), and optioned the third and fourth books. The first book in the series has now been sold to 7 territories altogether.

A friendship between a dog called Cat, a cat called Dog and a man called Weasel might just be the kindest and most beautiful one that has occurred in Finnish literature by far. The series of stand-alone books, nominated for several prestigious children’s literature prizes, including Finlandia Junior and Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize, gives us philosophical, warm and humorous lessons about accepting difference, seeing people without prejudice and the importance of looking beyond the surface. Eventually, friendship is what remains, defying all the bad and scary in the world.

A Dog Called Cat (2015) was the first book in the series, followed by A Dog Called Cat Meets a Cat (2019), which was nominated for the most prestigious literary award in Finland, Finlandia Prize, and won the Public Vote as readers’ favourite among the nominees. The third book, A Dog Called Cat is Looking for Home was published last year. The fourth book will be Christmas-themed, and will feature our autumn catalogue.

Congratulations to the authors!

Radio Popov sold to France, China and Czech Republic

Summer months are vacation for some, but we at HLA have been busy, busy, busy. We are thrilled to share another bunch of fantastic foreign rights news: Finlandia Junior 2020 winner Radio Popov by Anja Portin has now been sold France, China (Simplified Chinese) and Czech Republic, meaning that the book has already travelled to 17 language territories!

Radio Popov won the most prestigious literary award in Finland in 2020.

The publisher in France is Milan, known for a large and beautiful selection of titles for children and youth of all ages.

The Czech publisher is Portal, a renowned children’s publisher of 30 years, known not only for its wide and exquisite list, but also for creating a network of collaboration among parents and teachers, schools, kindergartens, children’s psychologists and other experts in the field of early learning and education.

The publisher of the Simplified Chinese translation will be New Buds, a well-known state-owned publishing house for children and young adult literature with an amazing list that includes numerous authors who won major children’s books awards, such as Ellen Raskin, Katherine Applegate, Kate DiCamillo, Jack Gantos, E.L. Konigsburg, Katherine Paterson, Kevin Henkes, Nicky Singer and Michelle Cuevas.

Special thanks to Livia Stoia Literary Agency and Grayhawk Literary Agency for their help and wonderful collaboration!

Radio Popov has so far been sold to:

  • Bulgaria, Perseus;
  • Catalan, Nórdica Libros;
  • China (Simplified), New Buds;
  • Czech, Portal;
  • Denmark, Straarup & Co.;
  • Estonia, Ühinenud ajakirjad;
  • France, Milan;
  • Greece, Psichogios;
  • Hungary, Cerkabella;
  • Italy, Salani;
  • Latvia, Janis Roze Publishers;
  • Lithuania, Alma Littera;
  • Netherlands, Ploegsma;
  • Poland, Widnokrąg;
  • Russia, Samokat;
  • Slovenia, KUD Sodobnost International;
  • Spanish, Nórdica Libros.

Rights are still available in Germany, Norway, World English, Sweden and many other territories, and the strong interest from several publishers makes us confident foreign rights sales will reach 20 territories before the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Stay tuned!

The Red Book of Farewells sold to North America

Legendary Finnish author Pirkko Saisio, who has recently often been called a Finnish counterpart of Tove Ditlevsen, praised by The New York Times, will now finally reach a wide international audience, as Two Lines Press acquired the English rights (within North America) for one of her most famous novels, Finlandia Prize winning The Red Letter of Farewell (2003). Two Lines Press is a publisher in the US that focuses on most exquisite titles from all around the world.

Photo by Laura Malmivaara

Additionally, the renowned literary journal Asymptote, famous for publishing translations from all around the world, has started the Women in Translation Month by publishing Saisio’s essay “Small Crescendos” from her most recent collection Prevarications (2019). The essay was translated into English by Mia Spangenberg.

Saisio (b. 1949) is one of the most renowned Finnish authors. She has been nominated for the Finlandia Prize six times, winning it with The Red Letter of Farewell (Punainen erokirja, 2003). She has, among other awards, received Aleksis Kivi Prize and the State Literature Award. Apart from novels, she has written numerous plays and scripts for film and television and is a well-known theatre director.

Here you can find a short interview with the author from our series, which will give you an even better picture of her works.

We are happy to see that our backlist titles are continuing to find their way in the international markets!

HLA to represent bestselling feel good and crime author Eppu Nuotio

Eppu Nuotio (Photo: Liisa Valonen)

Since June 2021, Helsinki Literary Agency is proud to represent the rights of Eppu Nuotio’s adult fiction.

Eppu Nuotio is one of the most successful Finnish authors mixing feel good and crime in her novels, latest in her bestselling 3-book cozy mystery series Ellen Lähde Investigates and before that in her 6-book series starred by young journalist Pii Marin.

Those Deadly Bells, Tongues Like Knives and The Showy Strangler form the Ellen Lähde Investigates series.

As perfect summer reading, we are happy to highlight the Ellen Lähde Investigates books.

In the series of three stand-alone novels Those Deadly Bells (2017), Tongues Like Knives (2019) and The Showy Strangler (2020) the modern day Miss Marple, Ellen Lähde enjoys her early retirement, friends, new love and gardening – and with an insatiable curiosity, pokes her nose into everything. Bestsellers in Finland, the novels have charmed the readers with their fresh and joyful approach to even the most mundane things there are in our daily lives.

In addition to feel good, romance and crime Nuotio (b. 1962) has written novels for children. She has also become known as a playwright, with great success also in Germany, where she lived for several years before moving back to Finland.