Three-day novel on trying to catch a fish while fooled and foiled by an assortment of primeval nature beings has been sold to Jensen & Dalgaard in Denmark and Metropolis Media in Hungary.

Juhani Karila’s novel Fishing for the Little Pike, published in Finland in October 2020, will come out also in French by Le Peuplade and in Polish by Marpress. The novel was awarded with Kalevi Jäntti Prize and nominated for the Tähtivaeltaja Award.
Fishing for the Little Pike, at once love story and mythical fantasy, has been described “a magnificient novel[;] original, realistic fantasy with a Lapland twist” and “a delight” where “even better […] is a warmly ironic portrayal of the locals”. The review of Lapin Kansa newspaper sums it up:
“This son of Lapland has truly hit a bull’s-eye; as someone who has a teacher’s mentality, I feel like giving him 6 stars out of 5 – and this is exactly what I will do. Juhani Karila stretches the limits and borders of the normative world so wildly that it only seems appropriate for the literature critic to do the same. Karila writes world literature in a carnavalesque spirit of Rabelais and with Don Quijote type of characters – only he digs even deeper.”
– Jussi Leinonen, Lapin Kansa newspaper