Eva Frantz: Then Die Contentedly

Anna Glad series peaks in a chilling murder mystery

Author: Eva Frantz
Finnish original: Så dör du nöjdare
Publisher: Schildts & Söderströms, 2024
Genre: crime fiction
Number of pages:  300 pp
Reading material:
 Swedish original, English synopsis

Four women gather to spend an autumn evening together: Krisse, Hannele, Sylvia, and Britt got to know each other at the end of the 1990’s when they sang in the same student choir, and started the tradition of having a girls’ night every summer, with crayfish and snaps on the menu.
Life has since then taken them in different directions, but Krisse has finally persuaded all of them to gather again for old times’ sake. It is a fancy crayfish party with all needed drinks, and the night is festive. But when day dawns, only two women wake up at the old house: one, Krisse, is dead and another, Sylvia, is missing.
Senior constable Anna Glad is at home taking care of her son Gottfrid while his father Tomas works day and night. But Anna has never been very good at staying out of things or keeping her curiosity in check. She soon finds out that all of Krisse’s friends have important secrets they want to keep hidden. And Krisse herself had the most secrets of all.

Eva Frantz’s Anna Glad series has been a critical and commercial success in Finland with close to 100,000 copies sold, and it has been also awarded the Clew of the Year prize for best suspense novel of year.

About the author:
Eva Frantz

Also available:
Blue Villa (Anna Glad series, #1)
The Eighth Maiden (Anna Glad series, #2)
Out of the Game (Anna Glad series, #3)
You Will Not Take My Child (Anna Glad series, #4)